What's Included
✅ 1-10 Counting Cards✅ 1-10 Counting Clipcards
✅ 1-10 Number Cards
✅ 1-10 Tracing Numbers (dots and tracker)
✅ Twenty Frames (blank)
✅ Twenty Frames with Control
✅ 1-5 Number Puzzle
✅ 1-10 Number Puzzle
✅ Skip Count by 2's Number Puzzle
✅ Skip Count by 5's Number Puzzle
✅ Skip Count by 10's Number Puzzle
✅ Telling Time Matching (in hour, half hour, quarter past the hour, quarter till the hour)
✅ Shadow Matching
✅ Addition Roll and Cover Mats
How to prepare the printables?
I highly recommend that you laminate the printables to make them sturdy and last long. Use any manipulatives available. Use homemade playdoh, rocks, glass nuggets and wooden pegs else, you can always get stuff from AMAZON or the craft store.Is the printable self-checking?
To make some of the activities self-checking, mark the answers at the back of the cards using a sticker or a marker pen. I would usually draw a circle with a colored marker/crayon similar to the picture below.What's the difference between this and the SAFARI TOOB PACK printables?
The Safari Toob Packs are created to go along with each of the Safari Toob Animal Figure Set. Meaning, the animals covered by Safari Toob Printable Pack matches the animals included in each Toob Set. Plus, it uses REAL IMAGES. So if you are looking for something that will go along with your Safari Animal figures, then this product series is for you.This set is not associated with any Safari Toob animal set.
Here's a PREVIEW of some of the materials in action:
Please Note:
These are hand painted illustrations and they don't come with black/white version thus it doesn't include any coloring activity.
These are hand painted illustrations and they don't come with black/white version thus it doesn't include any coloring activity.
It would be nice to include animal figures when working on this activity. You can get some of these from Safari Toob, Schleich and Papo.
It would be nice to include animal figures when working on this activity. You can get some of these from Safari Toob, Schleich and Papo.
These are just extension activities. It is still recommended that you accompany the the study with books and other reading materials.
These are just extension activities. It is still recommended that you accompany the the study with books and other reading materials.

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