In this post I'll present how we conducted our Animal Habitats study at home.

I make it a point to make our Math a little bit interesting for Mavi. Yes, like some kids, he doesn't like Math (yet). So whenever we do Math activities, I try my best to put some twist into it to make it more interesting for him.
For example, this case he's learning how to write and read 3 digit numbers (hundreds). As I mentioned before he has no problem with reading, but writing hundreds and thousands seems off for him. Like, he writes 324 as 300 24. So this activity aims to help him practice how to write the numbers properly.
I setup six container box and filled it with the number tiles from our Stamp Game. I also added a paper strip into it with color coded lines to guide him where to write the hundreds, tens and ones digit (same color with the tiles).
He's ecstatic to open each box and uncover the total number.
Arranging the tiles per column, he counts the hundreds (red), tens (blue) and ones(green) then write those numbers in the paper strip. Then we practice reading the number, pointing that the zeroes are left behind.
Surprisingly, after finishing the 6th box, he asked if could do more Math. So I took out our worksheet and work on some addition problems and I made him use our cube links.
He has an audience you see.
I observed that he only used the links when dealing with big numbers (tens) but otherwise, he uses his hands :)
And there goes our brief update for our Math activities. I am still planning what to do this June and I promise to share my plans once I'm done.
For more Math-related activities: Follow Pinay Homeschooler's board Math Ideas on Pinterest.Ciao!
Hello readers! I am happy to present to you my product on learning Animal Habitats which is one of our favorite learning materials at home.
This learning material will help the child learn about the different biomes in the world and the animals that thrive in those habitats. What inspired me to create this material is that, my son loves to sort out his animal figures according to the places they live. He would ask me "Mom, does tiger live in the forest? or savanna?" And it's pretty much hard to explain at times why certain animals can thrive in the colder regions and how others survive in the desert. So I made this learning material so I can answer all of my son's questions.
You can get this printable here, Montessori Inspired Animal World Habitats Learning Pack or click the image below:
Another extension to our continent unity study is learning about the natural resources that are mined or abundant in certain parts of the world. This is a new topic that I introduced to Mavi and he definitely loved it. He was very interested in learning about the products of each continent, what they look like as raw materials and how these materials are processed so the people can use them.
If you are wondering what we're doing when the sun is up, here's a glimpse.
First I would take the boys in our backyard and do some little picnic. The little one stays on his Mamas & Papas Baby Snug (Green) and plays with me.
Now for the big brother it's a little bit different. Here you see him playing with his "fossil collections". These are actually rocks in the yard that he gathered. The Dinosaur Train inspired him to collect "fossils". So these rocks are now piled in the yard.
After he checks his collection, I made him do some splatter painting. A few days ago, I was telling him the story of Pollack, of how he paints using splatters. After that we watched this video of a little girl who's famous of her painting.
Now that he is inspired, it's time to put his artistic side to action :)
Oh boy, how he love it!! We just have to move to the grass though because it's getting messier.
The weather was really really good this holiday weekend so we spent most of our time in the park. We're so thankful that we have this wonderful park just 10 minutes away from our place. The park is HUGE and lots of areas to explore.
If you skim through my blog... this is where we usually go when the weather is good. I am an outdoor person and was an adventurous kid growing up. I grow up in a tropical country and our house is near the beach so imagine all the adventures I have there. And my boys experience this as well. But living in a cold country has a lot of limitations especially here that we seldom have Mr Sun.
So in a time like this we just have to go out...
.... and check the pond for tadpoles and other insects breeding!
.... and see how the clear water flows in the creek.