So I created these label cards for northern (blue), western (red), southern (orange) and eastern (green) Europe. The color coding is based on our map in Europe in a Nutshell. The mini flags seen in the photo is from Flags of Europe printable.

He easily identified Greece, Italy and Spain as southern Europe.

Our Montessori Europe Puzzle Map is from Absorbent Minds UK.

After he sorted some of the countries, he proceeded on completing the puzzle map on his own. I provided a control map from Montessori Print Shop.

I love that he removed the puzzle pieces and placed them on a basket instead of scattering them in the rug.

If you want to check the other activities that we did for our Europe study below are the links for each post:
- History of Ancient Europe
- Europe Unit Study for Grade-Schoolers
- Learning the Timeline of European History
- The Study of Northern Europe
Europe Continent Study Summary of Learning Materials:
Other learning materials about Europe Continent Study from my shop (with links):
And you might as well PIN this post for future reference
I like this idea! This activity touches on so many aspects of learning. I think I will include name labels for each country too!