A few weeks ago, while were doing an Australia Unit, Mavi and I talked about the animals in Australia and in which habitat they belong. We’ve done this years ago but it’s always nice to revisit and add a little depth in the topic.
Learning Literature though Play-based Activities and {Learn & Play Link Up}
We love books and most of the time its easier to have your activities revolve around that book. Kids will have a better understanding of the story, and at the same time explore related subjects like what we did with my Grand Father’s Journey, The Glorious Flight and other Five in a Row Activities. I shared here how we explore and dig dipper into the stories and create engaging activities to go along with it.
Montessori Color Box #2 Activity for Toddlers
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Mavi is 26 months.
I recently purchased the Montessori Color Box #2 for Vito. I have a few Montessori sensorial materials that Mavi didn’t really find interesting and I was expecting Vito to have the same reaction to the color tablets. But, I was wrong. The moment I took it out, it was an instant hit! I was thinking all along that he doesn’t know his colors, but surprisingly he knows them by heart already! He can match them perfectly but naming them is a hit or miss. He still calls them mostly “yellow” LOL.
As of the moment, I only introduced 4 colors to Vito: yellow, red, blue and green. Lately, he can identify orange, that’s because we kept on eating clementines and I refer to it as orange! So the color tablets are actually for “formal” presentation of secondary and tertiary colors (well, that’s my plan).
Imaginative Play: Australian Outback
Thursday, January 21, 2016
** contains affiliate links **
We are currently looking at the different biomes of Australia and Mavi wanted to recreate the Australian Outback at home. As you all know, I started putting up small world, sensory tub trays for imaginative play this year. It’s a favourite learning tool in the house and can engage both of my boys hours of play (and learning too!)! So to assemble our Australian Outback tub, I gathered some of our toys that have that “brownish” and “desert-ish” look. Mavi insisted that he should assemble it, and to my surprise it turned out so great!
Math Resources and {Learn & Play Link Up}
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Math is one of my favourite subjects, and it always excites me to see math activities in homeschool blogs. Mavi and I are always having a great time working on this subject especially when he was in preschool. I collected all our favourite math preschool activities and you can check them out on the link or image below.
5 Activities to Learn about Australia
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Montessori Giveaway where EVERYONE WINS!!
Sunday, January 17, 2016
You’ve read that right!! The Pinay Homeschooler is happy to be part of this amazing giveaway!
Our good friend Seemi of Trillium Montessori blog is celebrating its blog’s 3rd anniversary. She came up with this wonderful idea of having a giveaway where everyone wins!
FREE Polar Region Animals Coloring Pages
Friday, January 15, 2016
Mavi is into coloring these days and I would like to share the coloring pages (with trace and draw) that I made for him so you too can enjoy it!
Culture and Traditions of People Around the World
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Welcome to another year and another series of the 12 Months of Montessori. For this month, my friends and I are going to showcase Montessori Cultural activities. If you are a reader of my blog, you know so well that we travel a lot, thus Mavi has grown into a lover of geography and enjoys learning about different places and different culture. Also, we’ve been doing a number of continent studies for years. You can check some of my popular posts on geography below:
- A Continent Study of AFRICA
- A Continent Study of South America
- History of Ancient Europe
- Animals Around the World Activity
- The Study of Ancient Egypt
- Study of Ancient China

The Polar Regions (Arctic and Antarctic Unit) for Gradeschoolers
Saturday, January 9, 2016
January is usually the best time to have winter themed activities or do either Antarctica or Arctic activities. It is the time when kids can envision these frozen part of the planet due to the cold/extreme weather. To start with, I've setup an invitation to play tray in our shelf and displayed books to go along with it. These can be accessed by the boys whenever they want to and they are not age specific, big boys and little brothers can share and play with the tray!
Landforms of the Arctic and Antarctic Regions
Thursday, January 7, 2016
January Themed Activities and {Learn & Play Link Up}
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
I love seasonal themed activities and for this week’s linky, here are my favourite activities that you can do this January in line with the cold season!
Australia/Oceania in a Nutshell
Monday, January 4, 2016