One thing that I love with making our own learning materials is that I get to customize them according to the kids’ liking. One of these materials is the continent learning printables I made last year which we often use. At first, Vito would match it according to colors, now that he’s older, he’s trying to know the names of the continents, especially the ones where he’s been to.
I added a globe in the cards so the kids can easily locate the continents in it, unlike traditional cards wherein it’s only the continent that is shown. (Note that the Australia card that you see in the picture below has been corrected and updated to Australia/Oceania)
At times, I would remove the pieces of the puzzles from our Montessori Continent Puzzle and make Vito match it to the cards. Here, the shapes of the continents don’t exactly match with the ones in the cards.
My 3 part cards are mostly accompanied by definition cards that can be assembled into a booklet. I made it this way so that these learning materials that you get from our shop can grow with your child. Once they reach the age that they can read, you can make your child read the definitions, to practise their reading skills and improve their vocabulary. But, if your child is younger, the booklets are mostly for the parents to use, for their reference.
Another good thing about the learning pack is the additional activity sheets, for extension work like coloring and writing. My kids love using this and would later assemble it into a booklet! How we make the booklets? You can check a similar process here (Alphabet Sound Books for Learning Letters).
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