We love to travel and going to places, thus geography is very important in our homeschool and I make sure that we do continent and country studies yearly. Now, this is not the first time I introduced Vito to Asia. We've worked with a lot of continent activities before and because he is much older now and able to understand and grasp concepts, I reintroduced Asia once again. Below are some of the works we had for the past 2 weeks we spent on learning about Asia. It took us 2 weeks to finish because he got sick within the time frame so we paused in between.
Here are some of the activities that we included in this year's Asia Study:
Asia Study for Kids: MAP Work
We have a Montessori Asia Map but Vito wasn't interested so I gave him a smaller version to work on smaller version with pin flags. When introducing maps, just introduce countries that your child is familiar with. Like in our case, we focused on the biggest countries in Asia (Russia and China), then of course Philippines and Singapore (where we used to live), India (where some of his friends are from), Israel (Jesus' people) and countries in middle east (where we would have our layovers).
I highly recommend the Maps book for map resources as well. They have a bigger version and tons of good illustrations.
Asia Study for Kids: Flag Works
We did a lot of flag works this time. Vito was more into the flags than the map! First thing, there's the 3 part cards. Vito was introduced to the different flags of the countries I mentioned earlier. We talked about the designs and the colors of the flags while naming them. This is a typical identification and matching activity, perfect for young kids who are still familiarizing with flags. To know more about the Asia Flags 3 Part Cards, click here.
Vito also worked on the puzzle flags. If you have been following me on Instagram, you know that he loves puzzles. So he worked on this right away! You can get the puzzles here. Note, this is the 4 piece jigsaw puzzle, he also tried the 2 piece puzzle as seen below.
Asia Study for Kids: Flags and their colors
We love integrating Montessori Color Tablet 3 into our learning activities. Here, we identified the colors of each flag, and looked for the perfect match from our tablets.
Asia Study for Kids: Flag and Country Name
A country's symbol is its national flag, so here we are learning how to name those flags using our Montessori Moveable alphabet.Asia Study for Kids: Pin Flags
And the last flag work was pinning the flags to our Asia map. This is one of the boys favorite activities. You will find Mavi many years ago working on the same map here (Learning About Southeast Asia). I reprinted the pin flags though for Vito. I placed the map on a cork board and used toothpicks for pinning.
Animals of Asia
Once he's familiar with maps and flags, we worked on his other favorite: Asia animals! The animals we used are from Schleich and the cards are from my shop, Animals of Asia. The card set comes with 3 part cards and fact cards for reference (can be read out to your younger child).
Landmarks of Asia
I was able to collect a few souvenir items (some were gifts from friends) during our travels back home. These were all useful in our continent study. Vito got to explore these and he's asking about these objects. He loves hearing my stories about the miniature objects that we have and the safari toobs landmarks. Our Landmark Card set is top quality, with beautiful real images of Asian landmarks. The boys love these!
Asia Geography Folder and Cultural Photo Album
And of course, our Asia photo album! Around 20 pictures of the life and culture of people in Asia. I made these geography folders to provide homeschool parents and teachers with high quality materials to show to their students the culture and daily life of the Asian people. Also included are descriptions of each photo.
And that's about it for this year! We will do another round next year and expect more extension work and activities!
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