Ever since my eldest was a toddler, we love reading alphabet books of plants and animals and we used to borrow them at our local library. Mavi loves associating any objects to the alphabet sound so he truly enjoys reading these books with me. Unfortunately, most of them are out of print.

So I am very happy to chance upon these new alphabet books. I am sharing with you our latest favorite book series! These are Jerry Pallotta's Alphabet Books which I recently discovered from our library. Since we can't get enough of it, I took the plunge of purchasing most of the books from the series from Amazon and Book Depository.
The books have beautiful, realistic illustrations, and all the facts written in the books are informational and surprisingly fascinating to kids and adults. Below you will find the books which I purchased online and we've been reading each of them every day.
- The Icky Bug Alphabet Book
- The Bird Alphabet Book
- The Ocean Alphabet Book
- The Flower Alphabet Book
- The Yucky Reptile Alphabet Book
- The Underwater Alphabet Book
- The Furry Animals Alphabet Book
- The Dinosaur Alphabet Book
- The Freshwater Alphabet Book
- The Vegetable Alphabet Book
- The Sea Mammal Alphabet Book
- The Yummy Alphabet Book
- The Extinct Alphabet Book
- The Desert Alphabet Book
- The Butterfly Alphabet Book
Your kids will learn tons of interesting facts on each of the subject areas of the book, and some of them were written with humor. These will be perfect for our homeschool this school year, and thematic activities.
Do you own any of these books? Which one is a favorite in your home?
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