Rock Cycle for Kids: BOOKS
- Let's Go Rock Collection
- Volcanoes (Let's Read and Find Out)
- Volcanoes (My First Discovery Series)
- Volcanoes (National Geographic Kids)
- Rocks and Minerals (National Geographic)
- Illustrated Rock Encyclopedia
Rock Cycle for Kids: PRINTABLES
- Download our FREE Types of Rocks and Minerals, Earth Science category from the SUBSCRIBER PAGE.
Rock Cycle for Kids: MATERIALS NEEDED
- Igneous Rocks
- Sedimentary Rocks
- Metamorphic Rocks
- Magnifying glass
- Art materials. Paint sticks or Gouache Paints are highly recommended.
ROCK CYCLE Lesson for Kids: Introduction
Start your unit study by reading books about volcanoes and how rocks are formed due to volcanic eruptions. You can use this rock cycle chart in your presentation, which is available for download (free) from our SUBSCRIBER PAGE. The books I mentioned earlier are great companions in this unit study. They are all child-friendly and engaging.
First rock type we explored. We used the box set I acquired years ago in our exploration. The matching cards we used in this activity are also available in the blog as a free download. These rocks are formed when hot molten rocks, magma or lava are cooled into solid.When exploring, do the following:
- identify the rocks
- allow the child to describe each rock
- touch and feel each rock to be able to identify some of its characteristics (glassy, smooth or grainy)
To demonstrate how igneous rocks are formed we made a toffee!
Observation Activity
Ask the child to pick a favorite igneous rock and draw/paint his/her observation. Vito is using our favorite Jelly Gouache watercolor paint set for this activity.ROCK CYCLE Lesson for Kids: SEDIMENTARY ROCKS
These rocks are formed as small particles of sand, minerals, shells, mud or any matter accumulate at the bottom of the seas, lakes or in deserts.
When exploring, do the following:
- identify the rocks
- allow the child to describe each rock
- touch and feel each rock to be able to identify some of its characteristics
Demonstration on how sedimentary rocks are formed
We made a sandwich and layered it with different hams, cheese, salads and sauce.
Observation Activity
Ask the child to pick a favourite sedimentary rock and draw/paint his/her observation.

These are formed when igneous or sedimentary rocks are subjected to high temperatures or are crushed by high pressures underground.
When exploring, do the following:
- identify the rocks
- allow the child to describe each rock
- touch and feel each rock to be able to identify some of its characteristics
Demonstration on how metamorphic rocks are formed
Metamorphic rocks are formed when high heat and high pressure are applied to the rocks. So using our layered sandwich, we pressed and toasted it in a pan to demonstrate metamorphic rocks formation.
Observation Activity
Ask the child to pick a favorite metamorphic rock and draw/paint his/her observation.

And the best way to end your rock unit study is enjoying your toasted sandwich! Vito enjoyed our hands-on rock study! The experiments we conducted were game-changer. 😀
Let us know if you find this post helpful and if you have tried any of these before.
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