Milestones at 6 months:
- His two lower teeth sprouted days before he turned 6 months.
- His skin eczema is improving.
- Mouthing everything!
- By now he's able to sit without support for just a few minutes.
- Can roll back to front and loves doing this!
- Can move an object from one hand to another
- Babbles and coos a lot! Able to say "mamamama" and "yayi"
- Mimicking sounds
Our Montessori Friendly Baby Toys:
Sarah's Silk
- used as sensorial and for our peek-a-boo games.
Jack in the Box
- an old item that has been a favorite of Vito. The music catches his attention.
Baby Books
he loves books! I've been reading books to him since birth (just like with my other two boys) and he loves to listen to me reading. He enjoys flipping and biting the pages LOL. We'll have a separate post to feature our baby books.
Silicone Baby Teether -
a favorite! For some reason this engages Max and calms him down while biting it. We insert this around his wrist and he would just keep on playing and biting this for longer periods of time.
Montessori Interlocking Disc
gave this to him around 4 months and this toy aids hand to hand transfer. He loves biting this though :D
Lamaze Freddie the Firefly Toy
- was given to us as a gift and this was the first toy that he really loved.
Manhattan Teether
- a teether, rattle and a great grasping toy.
Montessori Bell Rattle
- currently his favourite. He enjoys the sound that it produces whenever he moves his hand (cause and effect). I'm pretty cautious with this one though as he often mouths the bells.
Sensory Balls
- I gave this when he was 5 months old, and he uses these mostly as teethers.
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