Sharing what learning activities we have this January.
Halloween Activity Trays for Toddlers
Monday, October 16, 2023
Halloween is just around the corner, and I am so excited to share what I assembled for Max in the coming days. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram (link below) to see how these trays are implemented!
Memory Games for Kids
Saturday, April 22, 2023
Have you played a memory game? It's a classic game of matching pictures. My toddler (3 years old) enjoys playing it and keeps asking for "more" themes. Unfortunately, we only have one set of memory games suitable for his age (transportation game). I tried looking for more sets, but I can't find something right for kids around two years..., so I made my boy tons of sets so we can play it all year round!
Spring Learning Tray Ideas for Toddlers
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Super excited to share what I prepared for Max to work on this spring! Check the activities below and tell me what tray/trays you want to try.
Montessori Winter Activity Trays at 31 Months - Toddler
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Montessori Trays at 30 Months
Friday, December 9, 2022
Here are the activity trays Max enjoyed working on at 30 months. Please, I do give him a few activity trays (not just 6 or 9) but I will just highlight the ones he keeps repeating and loving.
Links to all materials used are included below.
Autumn Themed Activity Trays for 2 years Old
Friday, September 23, 2022
Apologies for not being able to update that much here in my blog. If you've been missing us, I am very active on my Instagram account, and you will see videos of Max there too. But I always find blogging the best option for sharing activities as it is easier to create a blog post and put all the details of the activities and links to the materials used.
Anyway, I'm doing a toy rotation this week. These activity trays have been on our shelf since the end of August. so obviously, I'm not doing a weekly toy rotation because I wanted Max to exhaust the use of materials before changing into a new set of themes.
Community Vehicles for Toddlers with Freebie
Saturday, August 6, 2022
Following your child means having this transportation/vehicle unit for almost a month! Max is really obsessed with vehicles: firetrucks, dump trucks, bus, police car etc. He loves loves playing with his truck toys every day, and even dreams about these vehicles! So if you have a child who's obsessed is into these, this is a post that's definitely for you!
Today, I'm sharing some fun learning activities for toddlers who's into community vehicles and I hope you enjoy our freebie!
Color Green Activity Trays for Tot Schoolers
Monday, May 9, 2022
Max is 23 months old and currently obsessed with GREEN. So here are the activity trays I prepared for him to explore his current interest. I'm also sharing other learning activities that are part of this month's totschool curriculum.
Montessori at 22 Months
Thursday, April 28, 2022
Transportation Activity Trays for Young Toddler - 20 months
Friday, February 18, 2022
Max is obsessed with buses and trucks, and while he's at it, I decided to prepare simple activity trays following the success of our Valentine's Day Trays weeks ago.
Montessori Work at 19 Months
Thursday, January 27, 2022
Best Toys for Toddler 1-3 Years Old
Monday, November 1, 2021
This post contains affiliate links at no extra cost to you.
I finally finished the list of our top favourite toys. Hope you will find this helpful if you're looking for some valuable insights on what toys and learning materials to get your little ones. We own most of the materials on the list here, so these are tried and tested, are frequently used by Max.
DIY Posting Activities for Babies and Toddlers
Saturday, August 21, 2021
Max was obsessed with these tubs at 13 months, the reason why I didn't provide him with so many toys and materials around this age.
Montessori Inspired Color Printable Materials
Saturday, August 14, 2021
FREE Zoo Animals Matching Cards for Toddlers
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Vito is 22 months
Vito is in to matching these days! Whenever he sees an object that has a match on books, he would immediately get it and put it together. We started matching activities earlier with our Farm Animal Activities, and since we moved to zoo animals, I also created a set of matching cards for our Schleich toy figures (all Schleich images). So far we’re only using the tiger, jaguar, alligator, hippopotamus, elephant and lion figures.