I lately discovered a beautiful biography picture book series that captured the interest of my 7 years old. This is by far our favourite, the GENIUS series by Isabel Munoz. I am not a big fan of the Little People (too short and less info for my kids’ taste) so I continued looking for kid-friendly bio books and I came across this series.
Art History - Ancient Art
Monday, May 17, 2021
Montessori Friendly Books from Birth to 12 Months Old
Saturday, January 9, 2021
Advent Books for Christmas Countdown 2020 Edition
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Happy first day of December! I know by now that you've heard about the Advent Books. This scheme is similar to Advent Calendar, but instead, you prepare 25 Christmas books to read each day till Christmas. Some people wrap the books up and open a random book each day, others simply put a bow on the books and schedule ahead which book to read (I like this one better!)

The Best History Books for Early Childhood
Thursday, October 1, 2020
If you are looking for child-friendly books in introducing history to little children, I highly recommend this Usborne Beginner's History book set. I bought this entire box set recently and it contains 10 books and it is absolutely worth it!

Jerry Pallotta's Alphabet Books
Friday, May 29, 2020
Collection of Winter Books for Kids
Friday, December 28, 2018
Our Collection of Autumn Books
Saturday, October 6, 2018
Favourite Books about the Arctic and Antarctic Regions
Monday, January 15, 2018
My Favorite Montessori Books
Thursday, July 20, 2017
BOOK REVIEW: Farmer Falgu Goes to the Market
Thursday, May 4, 2017
We can’t get enough of Farmer Falgu! Here’s another book that we totally love, Famer Falgu Goes to the Market. It’s market day and Farmer Falgu has to transport his goods to the market. Though it seemed like an easy task, but strange things happened on his way to the market which sabotages his vegetables and eggs!
Montessori Inspired Bird Unit Activities for Preschoolers
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Old Tracks New Tricks for Train Enthusiasts
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Oh the boys and I love to play trains! And in fact, I love creating train tracks with them too. The only problem these days is that, our train sets were long forgotten due to Bruder trucks which they recently received last Christmas. But boy, oh boy, that changed when Old Tracks New Tricks arrived in the mail one day, and my 3 years old upon seeing the book immediately requested to play with his Thomas Train!
B4FIAR: Harold and the Purple Crayon
Friday, March 3, 2017
I love book extension activities. This is one of the reasons why I enjoy doing Before Five In a Row with the boys. So when I introduced the book Harold and the Purple Crayon, I knew that its a story that we can explore beyond than just reading. The book itself is enjoyable to read, engaging and the boys found it funny. Vito was glued to it for a long time. At times, he would even “pretend” to read it by himself, mimicking how I read it to him at night.
If you love this book, or if you plan to get one (highly recommended!) I listed below the areas of learning we touched by just doing this simple easy to set-up activities:
Book Review: Danny Dingle’s Fantastic Finds
Saturday, January 28, 2017
I was quite surprised when Mavi finished this book in one day! It arrived on the mail last week, and when I opened it in front of him, he excitedly asked if he could bring it to school so he can read it during the break.
Advent Books for Christmas Countdown
Sunday, December 4, 2016
Now that the boys are older, I’m starting a new Christmas tradition (other than having a Christmas tree) that will have a meaningful effect in our little family. Aside from the festivity and receiving presents, I want the boys to feel the love of the family, drawing us closer to each other, to other people and to God. I want them to remember that Christmas is all about giving, not receiving things for themselves.
We’ll open and read one advent book each day (but for sure we’ll be reading them all throughout the month!). It’s similar to the Advent calendar but instead of having toys, we’ll read a really good book about Christmas. I wrapped the books already, and randomly select a few to display under the tree for Vito open. (Mavi said Vito can open all of these everyday)
Kingdoms of Life: Animal Kingdom
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Mavi borrowed this book from the library so we can revisit the Animal Kingdom and he wanted to explore more of the other kingdoms of life. We’ve done a couple of times before (here and here) and he loves revisiting this over and over.
Fish Theme: Hooray for Fish Craft
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Our first activity for this week for the Fish Theme! We love this Hooray for Fish book so much! I say this is one of the best books I’ve read for toddlers. The images are so colorful, bold and it contains some silly stuff like numbered fish, big and small fish, fish with different patterns etc. This is the reason why it is perfect for our unit this week!
Faith Formation Books
Monday, March 14, 2016
Aside from The Bible, do you have favourite books to read with kids that tells about Jesus (if you are a Christian) and Godly stories?