Farm Math and Literacy Centers
Monday, February 28, 2022
Farm Safari Toob Printable Learning Materials
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Learning About Farm Families
Friday, May 12, 2017
Montessori Inspired Farm Activities for Preschoolers
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Puzzles for Learning!
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Because Toddlers Can Make Butter Too!
Friends, I’d like to share this simple butter recipe that Mavi suggested (his school project). A few weeks ago, they were learning about the lives of the Irish people during 1916 and one of which is learning how to make this “the old school way”. This butter recipe is so easy to make, and surprisingly it ended up so delicious! Plus Vito even participated!
Milking a Cow for Toddlers
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
I never knew that this could be fun! My Vito enjoyed this activity so much that we did this a couple of times during the day. Even big brother Mavi joined in the fun as well, trying to outshine each other on whoever gets to finish milking first.
Farm Animals Sort & Play
Monday, May 16, 2016
When I was planning for a Farm Unit, I wanted it to be simple because it’ll be the week of our arrival from our trip. This means, we are all tired (especially me!), and I need time to do all the unpacking. So my aim is still to provide activities to Vito with less preparation.
Now, I made these playdough last month and yes, they’re still good! The main objective of this play is to sort out the animal figures from Safari Toob and Shleich according to their “habitat”.
Collection of Farm Animal Activities for Toddlers (22 Months)
Friday, September 11, 2015

Simple Rooster Craft and {Learn & Play Play Link Up}
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Vito and I are doing lots of new things since September started and one of which is trying out some simple crafts for motor skills development and sensory play.
Since we’re having farm animals this week… we made a colorful-feathered rooster. We call this in the Phils “sarimanok”, a mythical legendary creature that symbolizes the closeness to the spiritual being of the native people.
Materials are pretty simple:
- colored craft feathers
- glue
- a coloring page of a rooster
- corn kernels (optional)
Let your little one apply glue to the picture. I suggest this kind of glue, with bigger mouthpiece so it will be easy for them to squeeze out the glue.
Don’t restrict, just allow them apply the glue anywhere they want (as long as it is within the tray). This large tray is from Ikea. Did you know that by using the glue, they learn the concept of cause and effect? Squeezing it results to glue coming out. My son loves watching the glue drops from the mouthpiece!
And Vito loves opening and closing the the container.
Place the feather into the image.
Put corn kernels on it as well if its available.
My Vito often stops and observes his hand for stains, dirt or anything that sticks on it.
And here it is.. my Vito’s first craft ever! We admired his work afterwards, and he even showed it to Mavi and the Dad. Love that he is showing a sense of accomplishment at a young age.
I’d love to try any of these activities for my youngest this season!
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