Learning through Arts & Crafts
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Spring Themed Activities for Toddlers and {Learn & Play Link Up}
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Mouth Watering Irish Foods for St. Patrick’s Day and {Learn & Play Link Up}
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Dr. Seuss Books and Activities and {Learn & Play Link Up}
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Spring Arts & Crafts and {Learn & Play Link Up}
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
There’s so many wonderful posts I’d like to feature this week in our Link & Play Link Up! I love seeing all these beautiful artworks and crafts which are so colorful and spirited! Here are my picks!
March Activities and {Learn & Play Link Up}
Thursday, February 18, 2016
March is fast approaching and I’ve been doing some planning for the boy’s activities for next month. I am also looking forward for a warm weather so we can do outdoor play and exploration. For this week’s featured activities, let me share Vito’s first “themed” unit:
We had a lot of fun with these, especially the scooping of pompoms and the paint works!
Now, for this week’s featured posts, I am sharing the activities that you can do for the month of March!
Best Arts & Crafts for Kids and {Learn & Play Link Up}
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Years ago, Mavi would do a lot of artist study. One of my favorites is our Van Gogh project, The Sunflower. It was one of those rare moment wherein both Mavi and I were in depth with our subject and were absorbed by the beauty of painting. But it was just more than artwork. We studied the life of Van Gogh, and how his life reflected in his work. (click the image below for more details)
Now thinking about it, I picked the best art projects and crafts in our link up this week. Here are the featured post:
Learning Literature though Play-based Activities and {Learn & Play Link Up}
Thursday, January 28, 2016
We love books and most of the time its easier to have your activities revolve around that book. Kids will have a better understanding of the story, and at the same time explore related subjects like what we did with my Grand Father’s Journey, The Glorious Flight and other Five in a Row Activities. I shared here how we explore and dig dipper into the stories and create engaging activities to go along with it.
Crazy Over Do-a-Dot Markers and {Learn & Play Link Up}
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
I know you’ve heard about these already and have seen these markers in other homeschooler Moms. My little Vito had a renewal of interest and can’t stop using them! These dot markers are great tools in practicing hand/eye coordination and concentration. Aside from that, we also use it to learn shapes, colours and letters! Next year, we’ll start using them for counting.
Though there are plenty of FREE dot worksheets online, I prefer handwriting our own sheets to save ink. Here are some random photos of Vito using the dot markers.
For learning letters.
Marking shapes.
He keeps asking for more!
Working on letter ‘t’ again.
To save time, energy and INK, I cut out sheets of paper from the IKEA paper roll and just hand drawn everything. Then I place the sheets on one of the work trays so Vito can easily access them. He would usually work on them in the morning. Note that the markers can stain, but they can be wash off with soap AND water (with a little scrubbing). I have these markers since 2011 and they’re still good as new. Here’s the link if you are interested.
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Practical Life Activities for Toddlers (24 Months) and {Learn & Play Link Up}
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
B4FIAR: Jesse Bear and {Learn & Play Link Up}
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
I am starting Before Five in a Row with Vito. I am a fan of FIAR and I’ve been doing it with Mavi for years.
Last week, we did Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear? Vito loved it instantly! He can relate to the daily activities of Jesse Bear and how amazing he recognizes most of it as part of his routines. Like changing his shirt, high chair and mealtime, bath time and when running towards Daddy when my husband arrives from work.
Now here are the activities we did to go along with Jesse Bear:
We played in the yard, put on his jacket and red pants
Then try to play sand just like Jesse Bear. That is Kinetic Sand and we are loving it!
Noon Time
Lunch time, he ate some steamed veggies, then apple and drank milk. He insisted that we place the book in his table to make sure he’s doing what Jesse Bear is doing.
Afternoon Time
To kill time we played with colored rice and scooping because Jesse Bear was playing with his rice!
We also played matching shoes game! When your child is about 1.5yrs old, they’re able to discriminate objects. Try matching games as simple as matching their shoes! Vito is such an expert!
Vito’s bedtime routine includes brushing his teeth (like Jesse Bear), washing his face and putting on his PJs. I say this out loud as I do it so he’ll understand what we are doing. And just like what I did with Mavi, I would read him books while I put him to bed. This actually calms him down…. and make us both sleepy LOL.
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Science Experiments: Twinkle Twinkle Stars and {Learn & Play Link Up}
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Objective: To simulate the twinkling of stars in sky.
Materials needed:
1. Crumple your square foil and place it on a table or on a floor.
2. Fill your clear bowl with tap water and place it on top of the crumpled foil.
3. Darken the room by turning off the lights. Hold the torch or flashlight above the bowl. Distance from the bowl is about 12 inches.
4. Observe the foil through the undisturbed water.
5. Now using your pencil, tap the surface of the water gently. Observe the foil through the moving water.
What happened?
The light rays reflecting from the foil when there was a movement in water appears to blur or twinkle.
The movement of the water causes the depth of the water to vary. The light rays twinkle because they bend or refract in different direction when it passed through the different depths of water.
This is similar to the light rays of the stars. They appear to be twinkling when you are observing from earth because they refract differently as the light rays move through the different thickness of air in the atmosphere. Scientifically, this twinkling phenomenon is called ‘scintillation’.
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Source: Janice VanCleave Astronomy
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Continent Fact Cards Game and {Learn & Play Link Up}
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Mavi can’t get enough of these facts cards from my Nutshell Geography series! He wants us to play this when in the car, or when we're walking home. I would ask him a questions based on the facts and he’s going to tell me the continent or the country it’s connected to. We developed a scheme of giving him 3 clues (mostly letters from the answers) and I am PROBIHIBITED to give the answer. It’s amazing how both Mavi and I enjoyed it. So happy that we found a new way to use these cards!
These cards are from:
Halloween Activities for Toddlers and {Learn & Play Link Up}
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Halloween is just around the corner and we’re having the “feel” at home by working on some “halloweeny” activities. Here’s our working trays for the next few weeks:
TOP: tonging creep creatures, scooping black beans into pumpkin bags
MIDDLE: counting halloween objects using a pumpkin counter, letter matching using alphabet cards (all cards are from HALLOWEEN TODDLER PACK)
BOTTOM: pouring corn kernels, pumpkin face crafts
Practical Life Activities
Practical life activities are those building and improving skills that are of use in the daily life, like pouring, scooping, transferring etc. The benefits include hand-eye coordination and concentration. To know more about practical life activities, visit my post here and here.
Everything that involves the corn kernels and the black beans were a hit! Both Mavi and Vito played with it for long periods of time and I get to do chores while they’re messing around To save you a lot of work, always use trays, the bigger the better!
Numbers and Alphabet
As I mentioned earlier, I always integrate a little bit of counting and phonics into our daily activities. Vito is currently more into counting than the alphabets, so this counting cards that I made for him was a hit! He loves identifying the objects in the cards and counting them using the pumpkin counters.
An extra fun phonic game I included is discovering letters from the purse and matching them on the cards. Similar activity with the Alphabet Sensory Bin except that we’re using a purse this time and used both the upper and lowercase letters. The wooden letters used here were from Hape Uppercase and Lowercase Puzzle.
The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything from Just Add Speech
Roll a Jack O' Lantern Game from A Little Pinch Perfect
Halloween Craft Pumpkin Mummies from Handson As We Grow
30 Preschool Halloween Crafts from Homeschool Preschool
Pumpkin Suncatcher and Color Mixing from Age of Montessori
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