Have you played a memory game? It's a classic game of matching pictures. My toddler (3 years old) enjoys playing it and keeps asking for "more" themes. Unfortunately, we only have one set of memory games suitable for his age (transportation game). I tried looking for more sets, but I can't find something right for kids around two years..., so I made my boy tons of sets so we can play it all year round!
Community Vehicles for Toddlers with Freebie
Saturday, August 6, 2022
Following your child means having this transportation/vehicle unit for almost a month! Max is really obsessed with vehicles: firetrucks, dump trucks, bus, police car etc. He loves loves playing with his truck toys every day, and even dreams about these vehicles! So if you have a child who's obsessed is into these, this is a post that's definitely for you!
Today, I'm sharing some fun learning activities for toddlers who's into community vehicles and I hope you enjoy our freebie!
Montessori at 22 Months
Thursday, April 28, 2022
Best Toys for Toddler 1-3 Years Old
Monday, November 1, 2021
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I finally finished the list of our top favourite toys. Hope you will find this helpful if you're looking for some valuable insights on what toys and learning materials to get your little ones. We own most of the materials on the list here, so these are tried and tested, are frequently used by Max.
FREE Letter A Dot and Tracing Activity Sheets
Friday, September 15, 2017
FREE Letter B Dot and Tracing Activity Sheets
Friday, April 21, 2017
Montessori Inspired Land, Air and Water Transportation Cards
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
My kids are obsessed with vehicles, but I think most boys are! They love their Bruder trucks and figures from Safari Toobs which they use a lot in pretend play and play-based learning. When Mavi borrowed this amazing book from the library (DK Visual Encyclopedia of Vehicles) Vito can’t stop identifying the vehicles in the book. It’s either he would ask us around (what’s this?), or identify the toys he own and match it to the pictures. It’s pretty amazing how much interest he has shown! To widen his vocabulary and knowledge of vehicles, I created cards for him so we can start with the Montessori three lesson period and later on, do some sorting.
Collection of Color Learning Activities for Preschoolers
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
For the month of February, my entry for the 12 Months More of Montessori Learning is all about how we learn and explore colors at home. If you are looking for more ideas on how to extend your color activities at home, then this is definitely for you! At 39 months, Vito is knowledgeable of all basic colors and I just have to nurture this knowledge through planned and spontaneous activities.
Last year, Vito and I started bringing home “nature finds”. This was the time when he turned 3 years old and stopped mouthing objects. We would bring simple things like sticks, pinecones, flowers or rocks, then placed them in a basket for more exploration. We discussed the objects’ texture, shape, weight (heavy or light), size (big or small) and of course the color/s. To simply demonstrate how to extend the “nature table” activity by focusing on colors, Vito and I collected and glued some flowers, leaves and sticks on a white cardstock and then matched them to their nearest colors in the Montessori Color Tablets (3rd Box)
Because they are placed in a white background, Vito can easily identify the color tablets closest to the petals, leaves and sticks. This is a simple activity that’s so easy to replicate. You can work on rocks, different hues of leafy greens, flowers and more.
We are now using Montessori Color Tablets (3rd Box)
I will talk about the Montessori Color Tablets (3rd Box)
I love Learning Resources’ counters and we use them a lot at home. We extended its use not just for counting but for color sorting and fine motor skills activities too! What you see here are the Mini Motors
We worked on fruits and vegetables last year too and sorted out their colors. Vito loves our play pretend Farmers Market Color Sorting Set
Nothing beats learning colors through the rainbow! We love our Large Grimm's Rainbow Stacker
Of course, there’s the paints
There are so many books on colors but this book
This was an experiment we did last year and Vito loved it! This is one of the many ways we show our kids how secondary colors are formed. See how Vito studied color mixing through this post "Color Mixing: Green, Orange and Purple".
Colors are everywhere! Don’t limit yourself to the ones you have at home (objects). Go out and explore the colors in forests, beaches, parks and just about anywhere… and it’s free!
This post is part of the 12 Months More of Montessori which is hosted by Natural Beach Living and The Natural Homeschool.
Montessori-Inspired Skip Counting for Kids {Spring Printables} | The Natural Homeschool
Activities for Toddlers (12-18 Months)
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Beginning Letter Sort (R and A)
Monday, August 29, 2016
It’s been awhile since my last post! Sorry for not updating. Vito is starting “preschool” at home and I’ve been busy planning for his curriculum and preparing materials. Actually the curriculum is just a guide, everything will still depend on how he progress and what’s his current interest.
Anyway, I gathered some of Mavi’s old language materials and assembled a letter sorting activity for Vito next week. You’ve seen this a lot, like the booklet, the matching of pictures. But this time we’ll be working two letters a time and sort out objects that matches the beginning letter sound.
Activity Trays for 33 Month Old Toddlers
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
FREE Printables for Alphabet Learning Sheets
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Hi everyone! I’m often asked in my Instagram account on where I get our printed learning materials for learning letters (letter recognition and pre-writing) so I’m going to share with you the links of my sources here as it’s difficult to do that in IG.
Teaching Toddlers How Plants Grow
Friday, August 12, 2016
Growing Watercress with Kids at Home
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
For the second week of August, we’re learning about plants! So to start with, the boys and I grew watercress at home and they totally love it! Another activity that is suited for siblings! Take a look at how Vito and Mavi worked on this together.
Introducing Toddlers to Animals in Land, Water and Air
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Introducing Wild Animals to Toddlers
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
VIto is 32 months old.
As we continue our wild animals exploration, the boys and I watched documentary shows in Netflix about animals in Africa. Vito enjoyed watching the shows and kept on naming the animals that he can identify. With this, we worked on vocabulary words by identifying other wild animals that he’s not familiar with like gorilla, panther and rhinoceros. We used our Safari Toob Wild animals for this activity together with the matching cards we got from The Wise Owl.