Autumn season is fast approaching and here we are again experiencing some changes in the weather pattern. Weather is always changing and this alone fascinates young learners! If you are looking for fun and engaging WEATHER THEMED activities for your class or kids at home, then our mini-unit is definitely for you! Read along and check our preview for some cute and adorable activities that your kids may love.
FREE English-Filipino Weather 3 Part Cards
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Weather Activity Trays for Kindergarten and First Graders
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Kids are always fascinated with the weather as this is something that they have experienced. Just by going outside and observing the sky, you can talk to your child about the weather, is it sunny? rainy? cloudy? windy? Sometimes they also get to watch this on TV or on the weather forecast news. Thus they become familiar with some words. To expand your child's curiosity about the weather and advance his/her knowledge, here are some activities that you might want to try.
Types of Clouds for Preschoolers
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Montessori Weather 3 Part Cards
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
A few weeks ago, I introduced my son Vito to different weather conditions as we had experienced extreme weather in a single day. I shared on my Instagram post that we even had hail during the early weeks of summer! To teach him about weather, I prepared some materials for him, including Weather Cards from my shop, a Weather book from National Geographic, and The Weather from My First Discovery book. The booklet you see in the photo is from our Weather Cards set. These books are excellent, and we usually read them at night, but sometimes Vito would take them out of the basket and look at the pictures or pretend to read them just like me.
The activity was straightforward the first time we talked about the weather, but Vito learned a lot from it. We are still using the weather chart we created from that activity up to now!
Learning about the Weather for Preschoolers
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Drastic changes in weather can be experience around January when you are in Ireland. Thus, I decided to introduce the concept of weather to Vito around this time. I will do this in the simplest form I can think of and that’s by using a weather chart.
Activity Using Our Water Cycle Learning Pack
Monday, August 15, 2016
Learning the Different Types of Clouds
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Anyway, the first book he read was the Clouds Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 1 (AmazonUS) (Book Depository). This is by far the best book I’ve encountered that illustrated the different types of clouds in a simple way, and the explanations are so basic and easy to grasp for kids. So after reading the book, we sat down the next day and worked on some hands-on activities for retention.