Vito is 29 months old.
Another fantastic activity I got from my Pinterest board! This is a perfect activity for toddlers to explore their teeth as they can’t usually see it. This is so easy to assemble and will keep your little ones engaged!

Vito is 29 months old.
So I was brainstorming the other way of what else could we do for our Body Unit and Mavi suggested that I should give Vito do a puzzle work. But he worked with our favourite body puzzle already and Mavi said, what about creating Vito’s face? And it hit me! Why not print a picture of Vito and turn it into a puzzle! This way he’ll be familiar of the order of his face from top to bottom, right?
Vito is 29 months old.
This is one of the highlights of our Body Unit! I was more than excited to give this to Vito! Just look at his face on how much he’s enjoying this activity!