I’ve been showing you glimpses of our Montessori Language Objects for the past few months but haven’t published our entire collection. So for this 12 Months of Montessori Series, I’d like to showcase our Language Objects (beginning letters) from A to Z! I’m giving you ideas on what to collect and where to get them (affiliate links). But before anything else, I wanted to give credits to Mavi for assembling most of these objects for me. As young as 1.5years old, Mavi has this unusual interest with letters and reading.
He showed signs early on and by 36 months, he’s able to read CVC books. Anyway, this “Montessori Language Objects” is the same method
I used with Mavi 5 years ago and it totally worked for us.
To those of you who are unfamiliar of this method, it’s simply a collection of 3-dimensional miniature objects with names that matches the beginning sound or beginning letter for each letter of the alphabet. This is one of the most popular methods in a Montessori environment for early reading. Vito is doing very well with his letter sounds using these objects!
Without much further ado, here’s my collection of objects which I started collecting 5 years ago.